I'm packing for a hooker convention. Oh, I know what you're thinking. The drinking, the partying, the hooking. But honestly, I'm a family girl. I'm going to miss my people. I'm leaving for Lancaster, Pennsylvania tomorrow so I can attend a five-day hooker convention. Namely, the ATHA Biennial. The Association of Traditional Hooking Artists, bitches. And I might just cry.
First, I'm a bad packer. I don't really plan anything, I just throw things in a suitcase and hope it works out. Second, I'm a bad planner. Just today I realized I hadn't rented a car in Lancaster, and I called the hotel to see if they have a shuttle. For TOMORROW. Third, I'm a Mom. Do you know how much planning it takes to leave when you're a mom? I had to leave notecards with the kids names on them for CH. Okay, under the names were the schedules and dinner suggestions and what people need to have with them. But still. Where the hell are my reminder notes every day?
Now I am quickly blogging so I can finish packing so I can write notes to Youngest Daughter that CH can give her every night so she doesn't get too upset. I text Oldest Daughter and The Son, but YD and I are old school. George the Superpet and Todd "Hot Nuts" Epstein just know. They don't need physical reminders of my love.
I will try to blog from Lancaster, but you know what they say: "What happens in Amish Country stays in Amish Country. Because we don't have wireless."
Have a great week, Wifers!

When I read, "I'm packin'", I assumed you meant you were carrying a gun. That's how we roll here in Detroit.
Have fun & don't do anything I wouldn't do.
They named a town Intercourse, so I think there's a secret wildness in those parts. You better be good.
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