Let me say quickly that I hope y'all voted today - CH and I figured out at 7:56 p.m. we hadn't voted and it's Election Day, so we left the teen in charge of the third grader in the bathtub, ran out of the house and drove the three blocks to the polling station (yes, we drove, but c'mon, we only had a few minutes and we are thick and slow) and just made it in to vote, which probably raised the turnout in our district to 9%. But really, you can't complain about government if you don't participate, people!
Back to the rapping and the showering - enjoy these, and I will post some drinking pics tomorrow.
They disabled the embedding function on this one, so you have to go to the link. Let's just see how committed you ARE to this, huh? Because I watched it, people.
Jimmy and Justin and Part 3

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