Here are the Top Ten things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:
1. I'm done traveling for the year for work.
2. Village Inn makes pies for taking to Thanksgiving dinners prepared by others.
Nom Nom, Village Inn.
3. People who know how to cook delicious Thanksgiving meals without my help.
4. Said people let me go home with minimal cleanup help.
5. Sleeping in for THREE DAYS.
6. Breaking Dawn finally coming out, and me finally seeing it.
Thank you, Stephenie Meyer.
I know this isn't Shakespeare, but STILL.
8. Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese frosting.
I think I need this. Stocking stuffer?
8. Getting Christmas lights up on house two weekends ago when it was 50 degrees.
Makes me feel like an effing GENIUS.
See George the Superpet looking out the door?
9. Oldest Daughter's Boyfriend for helping to paint walls in basement construction zone.
Who knew I would benefit so greatly from this relationship?
10. That my wonderful children have taken an interest in baking without help. These are Butterscotch Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies, and I have eaten a half dozen, easy. Warm. With milk. Just like heaven.
And of course, I'm thankful for YOU, Gentle Readers!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Cookies for everyone!

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