I'm one of those people who never really thought much about having kids. I didn't particularly enjoy babysitting, nor was I that great at it (but I did like babysitting you, Jason and Little Julie!) and I didn't really aspire to be a mother at any point until I was pregnant with Oldest Daughter. Honestly, that was kind of an oops after a night of drunken ribaldry with Current Husband, just before our first anniversary, but I sort of rolled with the punches. And then she was born, and DAMN. She was pretty cute. And I loved holding her and taking pictures of her, and I GOT it. I went on to be a mother of three, plus a sweet baby we would've called Adelaide that I miscarried, and even though I don't know how GOOD I am at it, I really get a kick out of my kids. They are smart and funny and interesting people, sometimes in spite of me, and I am so incredibly blessed every day to have them in my life. Even when I'm yelling at them for being late or not telling me about an event at school or not doing their homework, I still know.
My people. First two rows.
Always a fun ride.
Today was just awesome - I slept in shamefully late, and got gifts from my peeps: A fleece sock monkey blanket from OD that she made herself, a free and complete cleaning of my office from The Son (which I desperately needed), and a metal Bloggess-like rooster from Youngest Daughter, and a Starbucks gift card from CH. Best gifts ever. CH took us all out for breakfast. We came home and they helped clean the house for an hour, and then they let me direct all of them in gardening and yard work and fetched a few Blue Moons for me. Our neighbors had us over for an awesomely delicious and fun meal, and then, there was pie.
Absolute bliss.
Who knew when I was 23 that this would be the type of perfect day I would crave, but so it is.
Happy Mother's Day, I hope your day was fantastic, whether you are a mother or you just have a great one!

You were the best babysitter ever! The scavenger hunts for our evening snack - priceless.
Glad you had a great day! LOVE that you got your very own Beyonce!!!
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