At work, the gent in charge of the company website appears to have a thing for cats. He updates our home page daily, and seems to have an ENDLESS treasure trove of cutesy cat photos to post. When I think "industrial plant primarily producing trucking alignment equipment", I think "CATS!" Here is today's cat porn:
I'm sure the guy in our plant who was fired and then a week later killed his girlfriend was really touched by this photo (true story). It is posted directly under our company policy banning weapons and drugs on the premesis.
Today, I saw this online, and sent it to CatMan in charge of the website:
I love it. Particularly that Kenau Reeves is the poster boy for humanity. Party On, Dudes!
I'm back at work after four days off, and I'm not going to lie, I'm being fueled by coffee, Diet Coke and Danish Butter Cookies. Hope your week is starting equally as well!

I'm totally asking my cat to show me the cat internet with the LOLHumanz website.
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