Oldest Daughter, who is a freshman in high school, has other plans. Today, she left on a Fine Arts Department trip to New York City, which I really wish I was on. Over the next five days, the group is going to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 30 Rock, Times Square, Ground Zero, Wall Street, Broadway, and they will see a show and watch the NYC Philharmonic, and then she took her cello because they get a clinic with the Philharmonic. Pretty awesome trip. I grew up in Nebraska in the 70's and 80's, where our idea of a field trip was Omaha, Lincoln, or if you were really crazy, Kansas City. Needless to say, I've never been to New York except to fly over it and spend eight hours stuck in La Guardia Airport. *le sigh*
For the past week, people kept asking if I was nervous about her going. I even had someone mention how they couldn't do it because they've heard about too many fatal bus accidents with student groups (Um...THANK YOU?!?) But I was totally not nervous about her going at all, just really stoked that she was doing it.
Until today, when I went a little tiny bit Womb Ranger on her.
We drove to the 3 p.m. student meeting before the buses took off at 4 p.m. While the teachers and chaperones are making their announcements, I'm looking at the other kids. They have pillows. They have water bottles. They have snacks. OD wouldn't let me equip her with these things. She said they would be a pain and in the way. I insisted. She dug in. I finally caved and thought, "Whatever, it's your hunger pains and cramped neck." But at the meeting, my palms started sweating and my heart started pounding and I leaned over to her and whispered, "You NEED a pillow and snacks. Can I get them for you?" and she said, "MOM. NOT. AGAIN. Let it GO." Then she gave me the Teenage Death Ray look. I ceased pleading.
But I REALLY wanted to get them - it felt like I was putting her on a bus to NYC without supplies, like I was sending her off to be a teen runaway. I could see that she was really eager to be with her friends, and for me to be on my way. I hugged her and walked to the car and CRIED. Because just one damn bag of Chex Mix would've made me feel like a good, providing mom. Like she still NEEDS me. And I know she does, but DAMN, kid, throw your old mom a bone!
Of course I texted her about two hours later. "Do you wish you had snacks/pillow?" She replied, "Yes on snacks, no on pillow. I love you." I was right about the snacks, and she still loves me. I guess I need to just relax. Where is the pamphlet at the hospital after labor about the emotional toll these kids take on you? That bus better have a very good driver. And maybe some Chex Mix to share?
Nervous tics and pinot grigio until Wednesday....

Sometimes it sucks when we parents are actually right. OD is feeling that right now but she'll survive...and have a fabulous time in NYC. When she returns you can hug her and silently acknowledge that she knows you told her so.
Sometimes it sucks when we parents are actually right. OD is feeling that right now but she'll survive...and have a fabulous time in NYC. When she returns you can hug her and silently acknowledge that she knows you told her so.
Oh my, Julie...you continue to speak to my soul! Today I was talking with our Outdoor Rec person at the winefest (okay, "holding her captive so she could listen to my incohorent rambling" is a better description) and I told her how I NEED to sign up for the canoe safety class and then could she *wink*wink*nudge*nudge* maybe call me when there's a trip that would be amazing and will sell out in minutes so that I could go there and sign up and make memories with this little person of mine who is, unbelievably, turning 13 NEXT MONTH and I will BLINK MY EYES and she will graduate from college and marry some damn Marine and move to Japan and where did her childhood have gone? (I swear I'm pre-menopausal sometimes because I do go on...)anywho..........I hope OD has a great time, sounds like an amazing trip...but then comes home with a crick in her neck and you tell her "Let's go to a chiropractor" or maybe "Let's get weekly massages for a month together" and she will see and understand how cool and smart you are...and then my OD will too. We're in this together. Was I rambling?
I just checked. Womb Ranger isn't defined yet. Get on it. xoxo
Aww. You guys are sweet. And yes, I've already texted her this morning, but just once. I'm holding out until 5 p.m. Thanks Sue, I'm now going for my second Urban Dictionary entry! (Whoreticulture is the first).
Don't worry, the other kids' moms MADE them take lots of snacks and they wil share.
I tell my son constantly, "Momma knows everything."
First pic via text of Statue of Liberty at noon, at least I know she made it off the bus. And yes, Grande, once again I am counting on the other moms for my child's survival.
womb ranger! awesome word! get your name all on that!
Womb Ranger... awesome word! get your name all over that!
womb ranger...totally borrowing that.
my son is asserting his independence even earlier than your daughter...at least you got 15 years. i only got 11.
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