We went to Qdoba to eat, it's a chain restaurant, and because some friends of ours own it and we want them to go out and buy a new Swagga Wagon on burrito money.
Here I am, eating my burrito with my man hands and awkward facial hair.
After quelling my Minivan pain by stuffing queso and a burrito in my craw, we came home and I made a deal with Youngest Daughter that if she rubbed my shoulders and brushed my hair for 30 minutes I would pay for on-demand Soul Surfer. Nothing is free, kids. I'm thinking, "Ha! Brush my hair, SUCKA!" and then I start watching the movie and crying. Damn you, Soul Surfer, and your inextinguishable optimism and bravery! And suddenly, I seem like a big fat loser sitting on my couch and taking advantage of my third grader.
I get up off of the couch, crying and insipired and motivated - I CAN do everything I want! It's 11 p.m., and I'm going to make all kinds of china mosaics tonight, and write the first chapter of my novel, and start hooking the rug I just drew the pattern for, and I can do it because I have BOTH arms and if Bethanny can do it, so can I! I walk downstairs and turn on the light in my studio, and then I think, "I'm old and tired. My back sort of hurts and I'm in the middle of reading a good book. Perhaps I should let the Soul Surfer be the accomplished one, and I shall be The Appreciator. The Sofa Surfer. The Soda Sipper. The Slothy Stalker. Wow. It really drained me to think of those names. I think my work here is done.
Here is the parade of the people who have popped into the studio while I am trying to work:

You crack me up! Totally what would have happened to me with the Soul Surfer thing and then I SURELY would have immediately crapped out. I guess there's a reason there's a movie about her!
Love the plug. My Peoria friend who reads religiously told me to check it out. You do need to get on writing the book. You are a great writer!
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