Like stalking musicians.
So we're in Nashville, and I've cased The Black Keys off-the-grid recording studio. As we're walking away from the front door, a dude with a spiderweb tattoo on his neck and black skateboarding clothes pulls up at the front of the studio and gets out with a computer case and two bags of groceries or takeout food. He is punching a code at the front door as I'm begging the kids to go back with me and get a pic taken with him, but the kids are all, "You're going to get arrested! Let's get out of here!" and I informed them that they were never going to be good stalker groupies if they don't work their way up the food chain in these situations, but by the time I finished my life lesson the guy was in the building. We left the studio and went to the diner that Dan Auerbach said in an interview that he frequented three times in 24 hours - Brown's Diner. They had cold frosty mugs of beer and delicious burgers, but no blues-rock musicians.
Photo of me, creeping on Dan's lunch spot.
Our stalking was not yet finished. We moved on to Third Man Records, owned and operated by Jack White of the White Stripes, Rancotuers, and The Dead Weather.
Jack and Meg White, when they aren't busy being humans.
The kids were more comfortable here because this studio is open to the public.
Making rock star faces after buying stickers
for their cello cases. Because we are cool like that.
We also visited Ryman Auditorium, where Minnie Pearl, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, and Patsy Cline performed. I'm not a country person or a Grand Ole Opry person, but you can't deny the history in this building. Kudos to Nashville for preserving it after the Opry moved to their new location on the outskirts of town.
YD now wants to get a new dog and
name it "Minnie Pearl". I'm sure MP would
have been honored.
Nothing else too exciting happened after that, except that I found some awesome stuff in the funky shops along the Vanderbilt University area, we had amazing burgers at Fido's, and the houses in the historic, Civil-War era neighborhoods are amazing. Oldest Daughter noticed me looking around the city, falling in love, and on the last morning she put her foot down.
HER: "No. It's not going to happen."
ME: "What!!?"
HER: "We are not moving to Nashville. I see you thinking it."
ME: "I don't know what you're talking about. But it IS a cool city."
HER: "I am starting high school this year. If you wanted to move, you should've
done it in 2009. You have me, and then two more kids to get through high school, so you are stuck for the next 10 years."
ME: "Well I'm 42 and I don't have as many years left in my life, so if I want to move, we move. I'll take you to some nice concerts. WILCO is playing next week."
Would I move to Nashville? In a heartbeat. But of course I was thinking about the kids and their schools and friends, etc. But there is something about your 14-year-old telling you what you can and cannot do that makes you get a little obstinate. Because she's right - I'll be 52 before I can move without it adversely affecting anyone. I'm starting to see why my parents put a hot tub room in my bedroom three weeks after I left for college.
Dinner on the ride home. With a side of Dramamine.
We sweated, we stalked, we lived to tell about it. The kids got in the van. They had candy. They threw up. But not in that order. I hope everyone got a chance to take a little summer getaway. I am now officially done talking about this trip.
The End
p.s. It is August, which means it's the Second Anniversary of this blog. Last time I had a giveaway and then didn't get the prize out for seven months, so that was a personal FAIL. This year, since I have been slacking a bit blog-wise, I am going to post every day this month. I didn't say they will be good posts. This is definitely quantity over quality. And I *might* end with a giveaway if I think of something good. Thanks for reading, Wifers!

Happy blogiversary! And glad you not only survived but seem to have thrived on the trip!!
You should move just to spite OD.
PS I'm available for stalking missions. As long as there is food & drink involved.
my son informed me that Ican't move for 7 years since he's starting 6th grade and he wants to stay in the same schools with his friends through high school. I am looking at houses in other states out of spite.
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